About Therese

I am hugely grateful for the richness of my life. Bringing up my gorgeous children with Pete has been unbelievably rewarding and the relationships with my family and friends are deeply nourishing. I have always loved my work, whether that was secondary school teaching, working in London for an interiors company, working as a natural therapist, or whiling away hours in my garden. Challenges and tragedies have of course crossed my path, and as is the way they have, in hindsight, brought huge gifts.

 What I have seen for myself, family, friends and clients is the incredible role our thinking plays in how we ‘turn up’ on a day to day basis. And how thinking can – positively and negatively – impact our relationships, creativity, health, wellbeing….actually every aspect of life.

In order to gain more clarity about the role of thought, I explored engaging in further study. I looked at psychology, psychotherapy and traditional coaching but I kept getting a loud, internal ‘no’ which was a bit disconcerting! Then, in 2015 after reading a few of Robert Holden’s books I went to London to participate in his Coaching Happiness program. At the end of the course we had to present something that we had learned. I’ve always loved Dr Seuss and the night before I was doodling with some words…I wrote this poem:

During this time an understanding called The Three Principles kept popping up on my radar. So in 2016 I attended a 9 month transformative coaching course in the USA with Michael Neill. This was an amazing exploration into recognising and embracing who we are, as opposed to who we think we are/should be!

In May 2019 I went to London to train as an iHeart facilitator. The iHeart team have developed an effective and comprehensive 10 week curriculum for students from Yr6 http://www.iheartprinciples.com They are currently developing on a primary curriculum. I am enthusiastic about sharing this curriculum with schools in NZ.