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The sun burning off the fog to reveal what has always been there

When I moved to our property in Raglan, the outside space was being choked by privet and weeds. They blocked the light, obscuring the beautiful trees that were struggling to survive by stretching themselves taller as they sought light and space.

I recognised this struggle, striving to be a better me, with every ‘how to’ thought coloured with urgency as I sought the space to thrive and be the way nature intended.


Yet within and around us, is space, an abundance of space.

Space provides the context that allows us to experience form, and space also exists within form.

Space is everything – literally.

So often in our busyness, space is overlooked and invisible to us. It becomes crowded out by the different forms we have created. The things we think we should be doing, the way we think we should behave; all that we have innocently attached our peace of mind and happiness to.

Dis tress. Dis ease. Dis trust. Dis honouring our intrinsic wellness.

All these thoughts appear to fill the space, leaving nowhere for a new idea to land, nowhere for healing to take place.


Until the fog clears and space becomes visible to us and we recognise that our wellbeing rests in spaciousness.

We become conscious that we are part of the spaciousness.

And have always been – even when it looked as if we had no space.


And we are free

To be in the space and to be informed by the space

That has been here all along.